Discover The Proven System To Attract & Retain Premium Clients (£10,000+) On Autopilot

Discover The Proven System To
Attract & Retain Premium Clients (£10,000+) On Autopilot

In The Systems To Scale Masterclass We Will...

In The Systems To Scale Masterclass, We Will...

  • Share how to stop trading excess time for money. Transform your skill-sets into income producing assets that streamline your business for scale-ability.

  • Demonstrate how to establish yourself as an expert authority, attracting & retaining premium clients who value your expertise, and consistently recommend you to to others.

  • Show you how to craft and create a Premium Value Offer that elevates client results and can increase your price point by 4x or more!

  • Outline how to shift towards a semi-automated way of selling and a semi-automated way of delivering your services giving you more freedom, time and peace of mind to focus on your inner-genius.

  • See how to hone your communication to resonate with high value clients, creating global impact in your service based or online business.

You’ll Also...

You’ll Also:

  • Explore the 5 step system our most successful clients have used to scale their businesses to

    £250,000 - £2,500,000 a year.

  • Meet the 37 year old consultant that transformed his income from £80,000 a year to re-positioning an offer that pulled in £532,000 in just 8 months.

  • Learn how to create a million pound business in 4 game-changing steps!

  • Discover the powerful shift an English tutor that implemented our advice allowed her to grow from £400 a month to £40,000 a month.

  • Discover how to build a million pound+ lifestyle business that affords you the opportunity to live life abundantly on your own terms.

Now, Let Me Ask You This

Do you ever...

  • Feel like you're stuck in a time for money trap working hard in your business, but not necessarily seeing the results in line with your efforts?

  • Notice that your business seems to be running your life, rather than you running your business?

  • Consider that you're not yet living up to your financial potential and able to charge what you're really worth?

  • Get puzzled as to why other experts seem to be enjoying more business success and fun, even though you're more skilled than them?

Then perhaps it's time to join
The Systems To Scale Masterclass &

start implementing a system that consistently attracts premium clients, and provides you with more peace of mind.

Why Is It FREE?

For complete transparency, The Systems To Scale Masterclass is free because once you have attended, whilst you will gain valuable insights in the short time we share together, you may still want additional support or training to help you implement what we teach you on a deeper level. And if so, we'd love nothing more than to add you to our list of success stories. (see below)

However, you don't need to invest in any of our programmes. In fact, we encourage you to attend this training with our compliments and implement everything we show you, as it will have a powerful impact on your business success.

Recruitment Consultant Scales From £32,000 To £2,100,000 Million

About Your Mentor

Allow me to introduce myself.

I’m Jazz Rose and I am the founder of Money Mastery.

I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to connect with you today.

I know I don’t know you personally yet but please know I care about you and I care deeply about you being properly rewarded for your talent and ability.

Let me explain why…

After being unceremoniously dropped from professional football and having my dreams crushed at the tender age of just 17, I felt lost and frankly that life was unfair.

However, because of a chance meeting with a friend of a friend who was able to get me to see this as a blessing in disguise I began to see my life was destined for a different path.

I used my footballing skills to create a unique sports coaching company that helped primary school children develop their confidence and creativity.

Within a short space of time my ultimate vision was realised as we developed into a creative education company which delivered high quality P.E, Music and Drama lessons in hundreds of schools across the country.

And because of the lives we were able to enhance, the business grew from an initial £30 service into an-ongoing revenue of 3 million pounds..!

Having now sold that business, today my speciality is teaching and mentoring business owners delivering expert services to start or scale a more profitable business that brings more fulfilment, financial freedom & peace of mind.

I hope the above resonates with you because if we are a good fit to work together I’d love nothing more than to be able to include you in our list of success stories that have grown a combined income by almost 10 million pounds in just 10 months.

Here’s what our current success stories say

Finance Expert Scales From £60,000 To £500,000+
In Just 8 Months

Frequently Asked Questions:

I don’t live in the UK. Is it still okay to join?

Yes absolutely! The Systems To Scale Masterclass is a virtual event, meaning you can gain access from anywhere in the world, so long as you have a wi-fi connection.

Why is it free?

The Systems To Scale Masterclass is free is because once you’ve attended, you may still want additional training and support to implement what we teach you with more success. If that’s the case, we’d love to have you as another one of our success stories. However, you don’t need to invest in any of our further training programmes to attend. We encourage you to implement everything we share with you as it will have an immediate impact on your personal and professional life.

What if I have a 9 to 5… Will this training still work for me?

This training is specifically designed for business owners and professionals looking to scale an existing business. However, if you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, looking to deliver expert services, this training will be perfect for helping you scale your business ideas into more income.

What if I’m unable to make the dates?

If you’re unable to make the date, be sure to register any-way to keep informed about future dates and events that you will be able to attend.

How long is this live and virtual event?

The event typically runs for 75-90 minutes. We’ll show you the key process our most successful clients are using to scale their income and live life abundantly on their terms.

I’m in a unique business… Will this training be valuable for me?

If you have a service based business, or you deliver professional advice, contracting, consultancy or coaching, this training will certainly help you shift to a new level of income, opportunity and financial success. We look forward to seeing you at the event. If you run a fixed location business, like a barber shop or car garage, this training won't be the most ideal for you.

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Copyright Jazz Rose© 2023. All Rights Reserved

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Copyright Jazz Rose© 2023. All Rights Reserved